Your little orange & white kitty, lost & very scared, found refuge in my yard a couple weeks or so ago, and started staying here-- likely for the safety & the free food! Even so, the little guy was still terrified of me & everything else too, trying not to be seen by anyone at all.
I put a weatherproof crate with a blanket & a heating pad out on my patio for him/her to shelter in before that last round of freezing weather, and even though he/she spent any daylight hours hiding in the bushes where no one knew they were there (we could see the orange the whole time), checking the crate I could tell it got used starting the very first night.
I've been going out every day/night to talk & try to make friends, and a few days ago he/she appeared & let me see them.
As of today I am able to get within 8-10 ft.
or so, he/she has started talking to me, and was even bold enough to sneak into the house and hide unseen when I was doing laundry & had left the door open for just a few minutes! The plan fell apart later though, when after staying secretly hidden for about 2 hours or so they had to potty, snuck over & used the litter box, and only then discovered by my cat, who then escorted your guy immediately back outside!
The closer interactions over the last several days have shown me that your guy/gal has the personality, familiarity with people, and frankly enough body mass to show me that he/she has had a family before, and likely very recently.
Now that I know this, I am trying to find that family and reunite you both.
They currently have no collar or other visible ID.
Bribing with food was the only way to get close enough, and have them still enough for a picture so these are the only pictures I've got.
Please take a look, and if this Kitty is missing from your family or the family of someone you know please contact me so we can reunite you and restore your family.
Thank you!
• Location : 22nd st. near Campbell, Tucson,AZ